I decided I’ll go for the S0-501 Exam, and will share my notes here.

You can find all of my notes here

At the time of this post, my notes are ongoing, very incomplete and are updated as I go along. There may be spelling, grammar grammar or grammar errors? Some sections are empty as well, but will be filled in the coming weeks.

Free notes I've taken about the Sy0-501 exam topics.  I have not yet taken this exam.
Free notes I've taken about the Sy0-501 exam topics. I have not yet taken this exam.

The CIA of Security

  • Confidentiality: The goal of keeping data secret from anyone who doesn’t need to access the data.
  • Integrity: The goal of keeping data intact and in the original form, unaltered, uncorrupted state when stored, transmitted, and received. No unauthorized alteration of data.
  • Availability: We have to ensure systems and data are available to authorized users when needed.