This will go down in history. Not really - I’m just testing my new content management system. Everything on the site with exception of comments will be staticly built files using templating. All content is stored as markdown, and templates as HTML. Whenever the site is modified, the modifications are pushed to version control, the site is then built, along with a simple web server I made in Go which servces the produced static HTML files. The build will occur each time files are pushed to version control using a simple CICD system I made in Go which runs various tests, compiles the site and web server, then packages them in a docker container and deploys to production.

  1. Create / edit / delete content formatted as markdown
  2. Push changes to version control
  3. CICD system builds site from the templates and markdown files into static content
  4. CICD system builds simple web server I made to serve static content
  5. CICD system packages as Docker container and publishes to private registry
  6. Hosts K8S cluster are notified of changes and rolling upgrades commence across pods

Staticly built sites such as this are much more scalable than dynamic sites. For any components of the site that require backend processing, we can simply load them in as components using the front end and manage the backend deployments separately.

Now that we’ve discussed that, check out these sweet looking birdz